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What Is a 204 Status Code?

SEM Geek


Staff member
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
The 204 status code is an important code that you may encounter while browsing the internet. In this article, we will explore what it means and how it differs from other HTTP status codes.

Understanding the Basics​

When you access a website or interact with web services, your browser sends requests to servers and receives responses in return. The communication between your browser and the server follows a set of rules known as the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

HTTP status codes are three-digit numbers included in server responses to indicate the outcome of a specific request. They provide valuable information about whether a request was successful, encountered an error, or requires further action on your part.

The Significance of 204​

The 204 status code holds a unique position among HTTP response codes because it actually implies that there is no content in the response body itself. When you receive this status code, it means that the request was successfully processed by the server but does not require any additional action from your end.

Let's take an example to illustrate this concept more clearly:

GET /api/resource
Host: example.com

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Sun, 26 July 2023 16:00:00 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)

In this scenario, when you send a GET request to retrieve some resource from example.com, if there are no new updates available for that resource since your last visit or interaction with it, the server would respond with a 204 No Content message.

This response indicates two things:

  1. Your request reached its destination successfully.
  2. However, there is no need for any update on your side since there is no new content available at this time.

How Does It Differ From Other Codes?​

To understand better where the 204 status code stands in relation to other similar codes, let's take a quick look at one of the most common ones: 200 OK.

The 200 status code signifies that your request was successful and the server has returned the requested resource. This is typically seen when a webpage loads correctly or an API call returns data.

On the other hand, while both codes indicate success in terms of reaching the server successfully, the difference lies in whether there is content to display or not. When you receive a 204 No Content response, it means that even though your request succeeded, there just isn't anything new or further for you to see.

Fixing Your 204 Status Code​

A 204 No Content response might not always be what you expect or desire from an interaction with a website or service. If you encounter this code and expected some form of content in return, it could indicate potential issues within either your own application logic or on the server side.

To troubleshoot this problem effectively:

  1. Check if you are sending correct requests: Make sure you are using appropriate HTTP methods (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) based on what your intended action is.
  2. Review request headers: Ensure any provided parameters align with valid ranges and formats specified by the target server.
  3. Examine authentication requirements: Servers may enforce authorization rules that could prevent access without proper credentials.
  4. Debug backend functionality: If nothing seems amiss at earlier stages, investigate whether there are any issues regarding data retrieval on the backend systems themselves.
By analyzing these points methodically, you can track down and resolve potential causes leading to unexpected 204 responses.

In conclusion...

We have explored the meaning behind a 204 status code and its role in communication between browsers and servers over HTTP. With our real-life example illustrated above along with troubleshooting approaches unveiled earlier , we hope this article has given insights into why such responses occur as well as how you can address issues related to them.

Remember, the next time you encounter a 204 status code, understand that it's not necessarily an error but rather an indication of a successful request with no new content to display.