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Google Local Guides Program: How to Earn Points & Badges

SEM Geek


Staff member
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
The Google Local Guides program is a community-driven initiative that encourages users to contribute to Google Maps by sharing their knowledge, experiences, and photos of local places. By participating in the program, users can earn points and badges that signify their contributions. Here's a guide on how to earn points and badges through the Google Local Guides program:

  • 1. Sign up for the Local Guides program

To get started, sign up for the Google Local Guides program. Visit the Local Guides website or launch the Google Maps app and navigate to the "Your contributions" section. Follow the prompts to create your Local Guides profile.

  • 2. Add reviews and ratings

One of the primary ways to earn points as a Local Guide is by writing reviews and providing ratings for places you have visited. Share your experiences and insights about restaurants, hotels, parks, museums, and other local businesses. The more detailed and helpful your reviews, the higher the chances of earning points.

  • 3. Submit photos

Another way to contribute and earn points is by uploading photos of local places. Share visuals of landmarks, attractions, interiors, menus, or anything that can enhance someone's understanding of the place. High-quality and relevant photos increase your chances of earning points and being recognized.

  • 4. Answer questions and edit information

Local Guides can also earn points by answering questions posted by other users about specific places or by editing incorrect or outdated information. Help improve the accuracy and usefulness of local business listings by sharing your knowledge and confirming or updating details.

  • 5. Organize and add missing places

If you know of a place that's missing from Google Maps, you can add it as a new location and earn points. Provide accurate information such as the name, address, category, and contact details to ensure the listing is informative and helpful for others.

  • 6. Level up and earn badges

As you accumulate points through your contributions, you can level up in the Local Guides program. Each level offers different benefits, such as early access to new features, exclusive events, and opportunities to connect with other Local Guides. As you progress, you'll also earn badges that recognize your achievements and expertise.

  • 7. Participate in Local Guides events and initiatives

Google often organizes events and initiatives specifically for Local Guides, such as meetups or mapping challenges. Participating in these activities not only helps you connect with fellow contributors but can also lead to additional points and recognition.


The Google Local Guides program provides an opportunity for users to contribute their local knowledge and insights while earning points and badges. By leaving reviews, submitting photos, answering questions, editing information, adding missing places, and participating in events, you can make a meaningful impact on Google Maps and be recognized for your valuable contributions. Join the program today and start exploring, reviewing, and sharing your experiences with others.