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24 Memorial Day Messages for Your Customers, Coworkers & Community

SEM Geek


Staff member
Jun 21, 2023
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Memorial Day offers a chance to honor fallen service members while connecting with customers, coworkers and communities. While the day centers around solemn remembrance, brands shouldn’t shy away from sending thoughtful messages aligning with Memorial Day values.

This guide provides examples you can share via email, social media, signage or other channels to commemorate the occasion with constituents. Adapt messaging as fits your brand voice and outreach goals.

Memorial Day Messages for Customers​

Customers look to the brands they patronize for acknowledgment of major cultural moments. Memorial Day recognition reinforces shared American experiences and values.

1. We Remember​

Today we solemnly honor the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice defending the freedoms we all enjoy. Join us in remembering their courage and selflessness.

2. Saluting Heroes​

This Memorial Day, please take a moment to remember fallen soldiers who died protecting our country and rights as citizens. We are deeply grateful for their bravery.

3. The Cost of Freedom​

Freedom comes at great cost. The lives lost defending ideas like liberty, justice and equality shall not be forgotten. We thank those patriots this Memorial Day.

4. In Reverence​

Let’s reflect on what Memorial Day truly means - showing reverence for the fallen. We remain indebted to the military service members who gave their last full measure so that America can remain strong and free.

5. Honor the Sacrifice​

This weekend as you fire up the grill and welcome the start of summer, be sure to take pause to honor those who sacrificed everything for the sake of our country. We owe them our enduring gratitude.

Memorial Day Messages for Employees​

Organizational messaging to internal teams around Memorial Day builds cultural alignment. It also provides guidance on appropriate conduct.

6. A Day of Remembrance​

Memorial Day is for honoring the brave service members who defended liberty at all costs. As you enjoy a long weekend, let’s be sure to take time for solemn remembrance amidst the festivities.

7. Reflection and Gratitude​

As we take a day to celebrate the coming summer, I encourage everyone to stay cognizant that Memorial Day ultimately exists for us to honor the fallen. Join me in reflecting upon their sacrifice with gratitude.

8. The Cost of Our Freedom​

While Memorial Day has come to signal the start of summer, I’d ask everyone to remain mindful that we are only able to enjoy such freedoms due to those who gave their lives protecting them. Let’s observe this holiday by showing proper respect.

9. In Service of Ideals​

The liberties and way of life we enjoy came at tremendous price, with hundreds of thousands having perished in defense of freedom and democracy. As you relax this weekend, I hope we all remain appreciative of their sacrifice.

10. Why We Commemorate​

Our team certainly deserves a long weekend to rest and have fun! But as you fire up the barbecue or head out of town, be intentional about taking time to commemorate those we’ve lost in war. Memorial Day is for solemn remembrance above all else.

General Memorial Day Messages​

For wider public consumption across websites, signage and social channels, these messages offer more general inspiration around Memorial Day themes.

11. The Ultimate Sacrifice​

They offered the ultimate sacrifice to defend freedom. We remain in their debt. On this Memorial Day, we honor their enduring legacy of courage and resolve.

12. In Debt to Their Service​

Memorial Day reminds us that freedom is not free at all. It came at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives. We remain humbly indebted to their service and sacrifice.

13. Summertime Commemoration​

As summer arrives, Memorial Day provides us occasion to commemorate America’s heroes - those who served, fought, suffered and died for the principles of our democracy. We honor their sacrifices.

14. The Fight for Freedom​

The liberties we enjoy as Americans came through great struggle, with so many perishing along freedom’s frontier. Memorial Day demands we honor their fight.

15. Democracy’s Defenders​

Without our fallen soldiers' contributions to causes like liberty, equality and justice, the state of our democracy would undoubtedly be lesser. Memorial Day is for ensuring we never take their sacrifices for granted.

16. Greater Appreciation​

The start of summer provides a tactical reminder to honor those lost defending it. As you fire up grills, head out of town or gather with friends this Memorial Day, let it stir even greater appreciation for the armed forces.

17. For Love of County​

While the day has come to mark summer’s start, the essence of Memorial Day centers on those who perished out of love for America. May we uplift their spirits through our remembrance.

18. Fallen But Not Forgotten​

Memorial Day demands we confront loss suffered in protection of liberty. But in memoriam, the fallen remind us freedom ultimately prevails when good people give all to defend it.

19. Summer Kickoff Perspective​

Memorial Day kickstarts summer with perspective. As season commences, we rightfully commemorate America’s heroes - those who served, fought, suffered and died for the principles underpinning the pursuit of happiness we embark upon.

20. The Immortal Legacy of Patriots​

Patriots throughout history gave their lives to build, sustain and defend this nation. Their immortal legacies surround us. We enjoy fruits of their sacrifices and courage even now. Memorial Day reminds us to be be ever grateful.

21. Not Just Another Long Weekend...​

The solemness of Memorial Day risks being forgotten amidst summer kickoff festivities. But it was never intended merely as a long weekend or barbecue precursor. At its core, the day remains dedicated to soldiers who enabled such freedoms and leisure in the first place. They deserve commemoration.

22. More Than Floats and Fireworks....​

As parades march by and fireworks burst overhead, Memorial Day requires Americans to also shine light on darker recesses - wars fought, lives lost and prices paid securing liberty. Picnics and celebration ring hollow absent consciousness of those no longer present to enjoy hard-earned freedoms on our behalf. We owe them reflection and reverence.

23. Summer Dedication​

Memorial Day inaugurates summer. But as you soak up sun and fun, pledge consciousness of those missing from the festival — those whose sacrifices enable the very joys at hand. Keep them in mind via moments of silence amid celebration. Dedicate laughter, leisure and liberty to their memory. Their offerings make revelry possible; honoring them our obligation.

24. The Ultimate Cost​

Liberty Tree planters pledged lives, fortunes and sacred honor to American possibility. Many paid the ultimate cost. As freedom’s inheritors now planting our Figurative trees against new tyrannies, Memorial Day demands upholding founding promises. Paying tribute we renew marital vows sworn long ago - in blood, bone, tears and soil. Once again pledging lives, land and love of liberty for all.


The above Memorial Day messages aim to provide appropriate commemorative foundations useful for customers, employees and general outreach efforts. May the fallen rest assured knowing new generations remain conscious of the costs preserving our democratic freedoms.